Falmouth Photography Symposium: 24-27th February

Next week I’ll be taking the train down to Falmouth University for their annual photography symposium. Gretchen Viehmann, is the course leader down there and we’ve been trying to hook up for a while in terms of me coming down and talking to the students. There are going to be some quality speakers, Roger Tooth the Guardian’s head of photography, Brian Griffin: the documentary photographer, Alex Webb, Tim Flach, Sian Bonnell plus photography writers and consultants, Val Williams and Gemma Padley.

I’ll be talking about the importance of personal projects, as well as photography being one of the skills you’ll need along with editing, writing and much more more.

I’ll try and leave the animal themed puns at the door, but inevitably one or two may sneak their way in.





My talk on the Thursday afternoon will be followed by portfolio sessions with the students on the Friday. I always enjoy seeing exciting work and giving advice to a new generation of photographers.

Links to speakers

Brian Griffin-websitetwitter

Roger Tooth-websitetwitter

Tom Broadbent-websitetwitter

Alex Webb-website

Val Williams-websitetwitter

Ian McCarthy-websitetwitter

Morgan Quaintance-website

Tim Flach-websitetwitter

Sian Bonnell-website

Gemma Padley-twitter

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